Legal status of the constitutional right to social security in the complex of related concepts
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article analyses the legal nature of the human right to social security on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and its amendments of 2020. The relevance of the theme is determined by the novelty of the normative material of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in terms of defining the signs, composition of the concept of “social state”, as well as the extreme importance of the totality of socio-economic constitutional rights in general to ensure the quality of life of citizens. The object of analysis is the species attributes of the right to social security in the system of classifications of rights and freedoms, as well as related concepts that have constitutional and extra-constitutional nature. Methods. The methodological basis is the analysis of the text of the Constitution, its semantic units and legal technique of norm presentation, connection of constitutional norms devoted to the filling of the concept of “social state”. Results. The author concludes that the normative material contained in the Constitution is developed, and that the norms devoted to the social sphere are peculiar. In general, they have a blanket character, are formulated with the possibility of expansive interpretation, do not contain exhaustive lists, include many not fully defined concepts that have a concrete-historical content and close relationship with the basic characteristics of the state - legal, social, aimed at ensuring human dignity and social interaction.

social state, right to social assistance, social insurance, social human rights, constitutional reform
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