from 01.01.2023 until now
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
UDK 343.92 Влияние внешнего окружения на преступность. Влияние времени года, географического положения и т.п.
Introduction. Understanding of the complexity, diversity of types and forms, technological nature of terrorist activity as a modern socio-legal phenomenon, its place and role in the dynamics of social development of modern transitional society, as well as the need for systemic counteraction to it determines the need for a comprehensive examination of terrorist activity and its manifestations in various projections and dimensions (abstraction intervals). The regularities of its functioning are systemic and are summarised in such principles as integrativity, integrity, holism, emergentism, synergy and hierarchy. The synthesis of knowledge from each of the dimensions makes it possible to obtain an interval model of terrorist activity, which enriches the criminological study of terrorist activity by revealing its multidimensional nature and establishing the mechanisms of determination. Research Methods. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the fundamental foundations and postulates of philosophical methodology: universal categories, principles and regularities of the dialectical, interval and activity approaches, general scientific methodology of the system approach, as well as general logical methods of cognition (methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalisation (concretisation), deduction and induction, systematisation, classification, description). The use of methodology of the interval approach provides a comprehensive study of terrorist activity and its manifestations in various projections and dimensions. Results. The determinational complex of terrorist activity was established, which is characterised by a combination of biological (natural and heliogeophysical factors, technologisation of the living environment, etc.); mental (related to the personality of the subject of terrorist activity and its victims); spiritual (religious and ethical); social (poverty, social inequality, unfavourable social conditions of society, etc.); legal (imperfection of legal means of regulating social relations, the possibility of legalisation of ideology and practice of violence, determined by the absence or ineffectiveness of legal prohibitions on terrorist activities, etc.); political (change in the unipolarity of the world order system, geopolitical confrontation of certain subjects of world politics, struggle for autonomy, political competition, etc.) factors. Identification of these factors makes it possible to effectively influence them as an object of preventive activity.
terrorist activity, ideology, practice, objective and subjective factors, determination, interval dialectics, mechanism of terrorist activity
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