Psychological work as an effective direction of re-socialization of a convicted person
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The relevance of the present research is determined by the fact that in 2024 the Federal Law ‘On Probation in the Russian Federation’ came into force. The adoption of this law not only initiated the development of a new stage in the penal and correctional policy of the state, associated with the formation of a comprehensive system of re-socialisation of convicted persons, but also gave rise to some problematic issues related to the implementation of its provisions. The necessity to study psychological work as a direction of penitentiary probation is caused by the fact that the current legislation in relation to penitentiary probation has a number of controversial, untested provisions that make it difficult to use the preventive potential of psychological work to correct the behaviour of convicts. At the same time, psychological work occupies a significant place in the complex of measures to correct the behaviour of a convicted person, as it provides the opportunity to comprehensively prepare convicts still under sentence for life, work and interaction with other members of society outside the walls of correctional institutions. Methodology. The methods of formal-logical, statistical, system analysis, method of expert survey were used in the research. The results of the research demonstrate that psychological work is an effective direction intended for the re-socialisation of a convicted person, but the current legislation in relation to penitentiary probation has a number of controversial, untested provisions that make it difficult to use the preventive potential of psychological work to correct the behaviour of convicts. In order to solve the identified problems, first of all, it is necessary to provide for a psychological work as one of the means of correction of convicts, as well as to amend the legislation regulating the activities of psychologists of the Federal Penitentiary Service by eliminating the shortcomings revealed by the results of the research.

probation, re-socialisation, psychological work, correction, convicted person, penitentiary system
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