Internal affairs bodies in the mechanism of strategic planning: organisational and legal aspects
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. At present, strategic planning has become an important component of public administration in the Russian Federation. The increase in the number of spheres of social reality covered by this process, the growth in the volume of strategic planning documents, the involvement of more and more participants in the activities of goal-setting, forecasting, planning and programming of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation requires the creation of a clear mechanism of organisation and interaction of all subjects of the strategic planning process. The bodies of internal affairs, performing an important role in combating crime, maintaining public order and ensuring public safety, are customers and executors of a large number of strategic planning documents. At the same time, there are a number of problems of legal regulation and organisation of strategic planning in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that need to be resolved. Methods: the research was based on the system approach and dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods (synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction), formal-legal and statistical methods were used. Results: the authors outline the role of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the development and implementation of strategic planning documents at the present stage, reveal some problems of legal regulation and organisation of this activity. Expanding the sphere of strategic planning and increasing the role of internal affairs bodies in this process require more detailed legal regulation of programme-target and project activities in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Coordination mechanisms of interdepartmental and intradepartmental interaction of participants in the strategic planning process are proposed.

strategic planning, law enforcement, law enforcement strategy, strategic planning documents, internal affairs bodies
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