Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
Introduction. Online technologies are becoming increasingly accessible and popular among young people. However, this not only opens up new opportunities for communication and learning, but also creates the risk of involving minors in destructive Internet communities. Especially urgent issue today is the influence of destructive Internet communities, which promote their destructive activities in social networks and involve minors in them. With the spread of the Internet, minors in the virtual world are increasingly exposed to the influence of people involving them in destructive Internet communities. The article deals with the issue of training cadets – future juvenile inspectors to prevent the involvement of minors in destructive Internet communities. Research methods. The research involves theoretical analysis of pedagogical and educational literature, normative legal acts and Internet sources, general scientific methods of scientific cognition. Results. Considering the preventive activities related to preventing the involvement of minors in destructive Internet communities, it should be noted that this is a very difficult matter. However, during the training process the cadets will develop knowledge, skills and abilities of activities aimed at preventing the involvement of minors in destructive Internet communities, which will make it possible to facilitate the implementation of preventive work for future employees of the Department of Internal Affairs and, at the same time, to train really qualified specialists. In this regard, the author’s e-course “Preventive Activities of a Child Abuse Prevention Officer in Social Networks” and methodological recommendations for its use in the educational process for future juvenile inspectors were developed.
minor, destructive Internet communities, prevention, cadet, professional training, distance education technologies, e-course
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