Issues of differentiation of pre-trial criminal proceedings against foreign nationals
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Abstract (English):
The aim is to identify and substantiate the difference between pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases against foreign citizens and the usual procedure of preliminary investigation, to propose a slightly different procedure of criminal proceedings, which allows to carry out these proceedings effectively and to talk about the differentiation of the criminal procedural form of these proceedings. Methodology. Dialectical method, method of system-structural analysis, formal-logical method, comparative method were used. Conclusions. Pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases against foreign citizens have differences from ordinary proceedings, which makes it possible to attribute it to differentiated forms and critically approach some of the other opinions of scientists expressed in science. Scientific and practical significance. The substantiated provisions on the presence of peculiarities in criminal proceedings in respect of foreign citizens complement the theoretical model of preliminary investigation in this category of cases proposed by scientists and the opinion in the doctrine about the expediency of differentiation of proceedings in criminal cases of this category. From a practical point of view, the application of the developed proposals and their introduction into the criminal procedural legislation will increase the effectiveness of preliminary investigation.

foreign citizens, differentiation, preliminary investigation
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