Structural-functional concept of relations of criminogenic personality to social environment: prerequisites, principles and provisions
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The research is devoted to describing the background, theoretical foundations and results of conceptualisation of the relations of a criminogenic personality to the social environment. The relevance of the concept development is conditioned by the disparate scientific ideas on the relations of a criminogenic personality to the persons and groups forming his/her social environment. The social significance is conditioned by the low efficiency of resocialisation and reintegration of persons repeatedly prosecuted for criminal offences, their increased criminalisation and marginalisation after release from correctional facilities. The research methods are general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, categorisation, modelling, used to systematise theoretical knowledge in the form of a set of principles and provisions of the concept. The results of the research are the provisions of the structural-functional concept of relations of a criminogenic personality, revealing the importance of social environment for the life activity of a criminogenic personality at different stages of criminalisation, the principles of structuring the social environment on the basis of the provisions of systemic, subjective and psychosocial approaches to the study of personality. The invariant and variant functions of relations to social environment and their significance for the adaptation of a criminogenic personality, formation of his/her self-relationship and complicity in self-realisation are described. The negative role of criminal orientation, worsening the social functioning of a criminogenic personality and contributing to his/her criminalisation, is asserted. The author indicates that the relations of a criminogenic personality from the position of their influence on the social environment can have destructive and constructive forms, which affects the structural characteristics of relations. The possibilities of transformation of relations of a criminogenic personality to social environment are revealed, the grounds for the development of psychological technology are described. In the conclusion the theoretical and methodological perspectives of applying the concept to the study and change of attitudes of criminogenic personality are described.

structural-functional approach, criminogenic personality, criminalisation, resocialisation of convicts, psychology of crime
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