Information support as a prerequisite for increasing the detection rate of vehicle thefts
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Criminal scientists have always realised the important role of the category “information” in science. Many researchers have noted that the quality of information and cognitive activity of law enforcement agencies depends on the completeness and reliability of evidence obtained in the course of investigation. However, up to now “information” and related concepts are underdeveloped in criminalistics. The solution to this problem is of particular relevance in the context of widespread informatisation and the gradual transition to a post-industrial society. The task that law enforcement agencies and the scientific community face today is to provide quality information support for the investigation of crimes, including vehicle thefts. Methods. The study used general scientific methods of cognition of social processes (analysis, synthesis, deduction, system-structural method, description) as well as private scientific methods – questionnaire survey, statistical methods. The official statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was used as an empirical base. Results. The research has demonstrated that the study of the category “information” and other related concepts makes it possible to consider the subject of the science of criminalistics from new sides. The conclusion makes a reasonable statement that information support is an effective tool in the fight against vehicle thefts.

information, information support, informing, information sources, crime investigation, theft
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