Russian Federation
from 01.01.2022 until now
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 37.01 Основы воспитания, образования и обучения (материальные, теоретические, философские и т.п.)
Introduction. The changing environmental, socio-economic and demographic conditions in the country and in the world require from a person to improve knowledge of selfpreservation and health saving. Life is the supreme value, the general physical condition and health of a person is important for the state. The purpose of the study: to substantiate the need for educational work in the direction of health and self-preservation in educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. Objectives: to analyse the physical condition of cadets after conducting experimental work; to determine the level and dynamics of motor activity of cadets in educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. Methods and structure of the study. The survey involved second-year cadets of the faculty of operational detective’s training of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia aged 18 to 22 years. The average age was 19,09+2 years. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method including the ODA-23+ motor activity questionnaire developed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Research Center of Preventive Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Andronov D. M., Krasnitsky V. B., Bubnova M. G., 2013). During the experimental work, classes were held using the methodology of the Japanese scientist, Doctor of Sciences Izumi Tabata, and educational discussions about health and self-preservation. Results. The study showed that the motor activity of cadets increased after the experimental educational work in the field of health and self-preservation. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the main goal of the educational work of a teacher in educational institutions of higher professional education in the field of maintaining and strengthening health is to improve the knowledge and motivation of students in the field of health and self-preservation.
professional education, health preservation, physical activity, healthy lifestyle, education, higher professional education, physical education
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