The phenomenon of reflection on the professional experience at the practice stages of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Russian Federation
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The reflexive aspect (associated with the self-awareness of the personality as a developing «I-concept») is a system-forming factor that ensures optimal interaction of all acmeological aspects of human professionalisation: educational, professional and creative2. In this regard, the study of the phenomenon of reflection on the professional experience of students of educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is of particular relevance. This article reveals the essence and significance of reflection at the stages of students’ practice, suggests the introduction of a reflective map of their readiness for practice, and provides recommendations for the development of reflection. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and generalisation of philosophical, theoretical-methodological and psychological-pedagogical research, content analys is of curricula and programs, methodological complexes of practice), empirical (observation, survey, questionnaire, self-assessment method) and statistical methods (qualitative and quantitative analysis of results). The methods of A.V. Karpov and V. V. Ponomareva and the Student’s T-test were used as the main methods. Based on the analysis of the obtained data on the level of reflexivity among students of the 3rd-5th courses of V.Ya. Kikot’ Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Lukyanov Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, a low level of reflexivity was revealed in 25.1% of 3rd-year respondents, an average level of reflexivity was revealed in 60.5%, a high level of reflexivity was in 14.4% of respondents. Comparing the dynamics of reflexivity in the example of the 4th and 5th -year students, we can see a natural positive dynamic. In an additional study, the respondents of which were the same 4th -year students, a reflective map of readiness for practical training was proposed. After completing the internship, the students prepared reflective reports, the results were discussed at the subject-methodical section of the department, and appropriate recommendations were given to each of them. In this sample of respondents, the low level of reflexivity has been leveled, in addition, the average and high levels have increased significantly. Results. The introduction of a reflective readiness map for a trainee student and a more thorough reflexive analysis at all stages of practice significantly increase reflexivity indicators and can be proposed for implementation in the practical training of future law enforcement officers.

reflection, reflexive analysis, reflection readiness map, practice, level of reflexivity
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