Criminal-legal measures of special prevention of violent encroachments and their realisation by the police at interbranch law competition
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article deals with the issues of effectiveness of one of the directions of police activity in the sphere of special prevention of offences – the suppression of the most dangerous violent encroachments, infliction of harm when apprehending a person having committed a crime, through the use of physical force, special means and firearms by police officers. The lack of consistency in legal regulation, in particular, in the conditions of legality of necessary defence in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of 7 February 2011 No.3 “On Police”, leads to interbranch competition of non-contradictory norms of different branches of law, regulating analogous social relations in the sphere of protection of a person and the rights of the defeated or other persons, but with a different degree of specification of the legal prescription. In a number of cases, the current situation leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the protection of an individual from violent encroachments, the appearance of possible negative consequences for the personal safety of an official himself protected by the state from legal injustice and court errors. Methods and Results. Based on the ideas on the dialectical connection between the state policy in the sphere of counteraction to crime and criminal law, the author critically assesses the system of legal regulation of the use of measures of special prevention of violent offences on the example of the use of firearms by police officers in the situation of necessary defence. With the use of axiological, logical-legal methods and content analysis the author’s variant of comprehensive approach to improving the mechanism of counteraction to violent offences through criminal-legal measures is given. This author’s alternative is brought for discussion by specialists of criminal-legal profile.

violent assaults, police, measures of special prevention, necessary defence, competition of law
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