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Abstract (English):
Abstract: Introduction. In the process of implementing operational-search activities, employees of operational units and persons providing them with covert assistance are faced with the objective need to keep secret various information about the forces, means and methods of operational-search activities, their plans and results. Keeping already documented information and its material carriers secret is ensured by strict adherence to a list of mandatory rules, requirements, restrictions and prohibitions, called in the professional environment by the general term "secrecy regime". At the same time, ensuring secrecy during the direct implementation of operational-search activities is often impossible or extremely difficult by physically concealing information about the participants of the operational-search activities or the facts of the preparation and conduct of operational-search activities, etc. In such cases, the preservation of operational-search secrets, and in essence - secrecy, is ensured by observing conspiracy - developed rules of conduct for participants in the operational-search activities, allowing them to hide from others or effectively disguise the facts and circumstances of the use of operational-search forces, means and methods. One of the effective and efficient means of operational-search tools, allowing to solve the tasks of ensuring conspiracy, are documents, encoding the identity of officials, departmental affiliation of enterprises, institutions, organizations, divisions, premises and vehicles of bodies, carrying out operational-search activities, as well as the identity of citizens, providing them with assistance on a confidential basis. In the professional and scientific environment such documents are called "cover documents". Being an effective auxiliary secret-conspiratorial means, cover documents, nevertheless, are extremely sparingly regulated in the Federal Law "On operational-search activities" and "related" laws on special services, which gives rise to a conflict in the interpretation of the essence, content and types of the considered secret-conspiratorial tools. In this work, within the framework of the author's own study of the private theory of secrecy in operational-search activities, the current views of the legislator and legal scholars on these aspects are analyzed. Methods. In preparing and writing the work, the author used dialectical, formal-logical general scientific methods, as well as the comparative-legal method and the method of content analysis of normative legal acts. The author conducted a comparative and substantive analysis of the provisions of a number of Federal Laws regulating the area under consideration, as well as an analysis of the scientific views of modern researchers of the theory of operational legal activity on this issue. Results. As a result of the conducted study of Part 4 of Article 15 "Rights of the bodies implementing operational-search activities" of the Federal Law "On operational-search activities" and the provisions of "related" laws on the activities of special services, the author has established contradictions and inconsistencies in individual articles of the above-mentioned regulatory legal acts governing the use of cover documents by bodies implementing operational-search activities. The author states the insufficiency and uncertainty of the legal regulation of the types of cover documents, the purposes and directions of their use, and also offers his own views on the ways and means of optimizing the normative legal regulation of this aspect of operational-search activities.

operational investigative activity, secrecy, conspiracy, cover documents, legend, legend-making, documents that encrypt identity and departmental affiliation.

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