The relationship between aggressive behaviour and length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Botswana
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The professional activity of a law enforcement officer is often associated with high psychological and physical stress, numerous factors that provoke aggressive behaviour. There are known examples of unjustified aggression by police officers, which have a negative impact on citizens’ trust in law enforcement agencies. Long-term professional interaction of police officers with aggressive offenders contributes to an increase in the frequency of aggressive behaviour of law enforcement officers, in some cases unjustified. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between aggressive behaviour and the length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Botswana. Research methods. When studying the relationship between aggressive behaviour and length of service of police officers of the Republic of Botswana, theoretical analysis and empirical methods were used, which included the following methods: the Bass-Darky questionnaire; the method “Aggressive behaviour” by E.P. Ilyin and P.A. Kovalev; the questionnaire “Style of behaviour in conflict” developed by K. Thomas. Results. The article presents the results of the relationship between aggressive behaviour and length of service of law enforcement officers in the Republic of Botswana. Statistical processing of the research materials was carried out using standard statistical procedures. The study was conducted in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana, and involved 140 police officers of the Republic of Botswana, with less than five years of service (70 officers) and more than fifteen years of service (70 officers). The results of the conducted research are presented, showing the differences of aggressive behaviour of police officers of the Republic of Botswana with more than 15 years of service, who demonstrate more aggressive behaviour manifested in indirect physical aggression, and officers with short service record, up to 5 years, who are more likely to show indirect verbal aggression. In general, the indicators of aggressive behaviour of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Botswana are significantly lower than the normative ones, which is due to the specifics of selection and service.

aggressive behaviour, police officer, aggressiveness, service experience, indirect aggression
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