Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Based on the findings of the dissertation research and in order to enhance the effectiveness of operational activity of patrol and post police service officers (hereinafter referred to as PPPS), it is clear that there is a need of design and implementation of psychological training programmes focused on the development of styles of professional policing among this particular category of employees. The article reveals the structure of psychological training programme, techniques and methods used by a psychologist in working with participants, and specific features of the training experiment aimed at enhancing styles of policing of PPPS officers. Research methods: the training experiment, participant observation, testing, expert evaluation, a comparative analysis using the Student's t-test. The statistical processing of the empirical data was conducted using the software programme StatSoftStatistica 8 MR-3. Results. The research findings indicate significant changes in the professional profiles of PPPS officers: 1) the improvement of work capacity, stress resistance, organisational proficiency, the increase responsibility and confidence in non-standard decision making, flexibility in establishing psychological contact, the development of self-control and professional communication skills, which serve as the foundation for their styles of professional activity; 2) the effectiveness of operational-service activity is enhanced through professional literacy and the integration of professional-psychological actions, the construct psychological techniques of professional communication and the conscious application of mechanisms for the formation styles of professional activity.

police officers, development of professional policing styles, professional actions, psychological means of professional communication, properties of integral individuality of personality, psychological training
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