Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 159.9 Психология
GRNTI 15.81 Прикладная психология
OKSO 37.05.02 Психология служебной деятельности
BBK 884 Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая (прикладная) психология
TBK 7503 Юридическая психология и этика
Introduction. One of the forms of citizens' participation in the life of society and the state is volunteer activity. The relevance of the problem of extreme volunteerism is largely due to the need to ensure national security, integrate new regions of the Russian Federation, and protect state interests during a special military operation. However, the extremity of activity potentiates the development of professional personality deformation. Methods. To study the relationship between personal choice of participation in volunteerism and the severity of manifestations of professional deformation, the following methods of data collection and processing were used: questionnaires, psychological testing using author's methods (questionnaire for assessing manifestations of professional personality deformation, methodology for evaluating the choice of participation in extreme volunteerism), descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, assessment of the reliability of differences as processing methods. 90 people participated in the longitudinal study. The results of the study: it has been established that professional deformation in extreme volunteers manifests itself in the form of communicative jargon and hyperorganization. Staying in extreme conditions can potentiate imperativeness and personal rigidity. The acceleration of professional transformation is determined by the nature of extreme co-participating activities. Such components of the valuesemantic sphere of personality as motivation and interest in volunteerism, the integrity of the worldview, voluntary sense orientation, and prosocial value orientations have a protective effect. Personal choice of participation in extreme volunteerism as an integral characteristic makes it possible to overcome pseudo-activity and reduction of professional responsibilities. The material is aimed at improving the psychological support of extreme participating activities, substantiating the need and directions of psychoprophylactic work with volunteers and representatives of law enforcement agencies.
extreme volunteerism, personal choice, complicity, motivation, protector, extremity, professional deformation
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