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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Introduction. Cybercrimes in Russia include not only computer attacks, remote theft of funds, but also Internet harassment – "cyberbullying". There are regulatory legal acts in Russian legislation that contain separate provisions that allow them to be applied in regulating these illegal acts. However, they currently lack a specific legal definition of the concept of "cyberbullying", and also do not provide for specialized laws aimed at regulating the phenomenon of Internet bullying. The paper examines the interpretation of cyberbullying as a legal concept, the origins, classification, criteria characteristic of Internet bullying, the objective and subjective meaning of the concept, the legal boundaries of the concept. Methods. As a methodological basis, the analysis of practical research related to cyber-bullying, a comparative legal method that allows comparing the features of bringing to justice for illegal acts in the information space, is used. Results. According to the authors, based on the analysis of the etymology, criteria and types of cyberbullying, the legal concept of the term can be formulated as actions committed anonymously or publicly in public information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet, aimed at systematic psychological bullying of the victim through messages containing threats, insults; publications (threats of publications) of information discrediting the honor and dignity of the victim, including through the illegal seizure of her personal data; social boycotting; harassment and threats of physical violence; resulting in a depressed psychological state or the appearance of mental disorders in the victim. As part of the fight against cyber bullying, some developed foreign countries are introducing legal norms regulating cyberbullying issues. The need for legal regulation of Internet bullying in the Russian Federation is also due to the fact that the main victims of Internet bullying are persons under the age of majority. The regulatory legal act on countering cyberbullying will cover all the specific features of harassment using information and telecommunications networks and legally protect participants in communication on the Internet from cyber aggression.

bullying, cyberbullying, Internet bullying, cybercrime, cyberbullying, cyber aggressor, information technology, bullying using information and telecommunication networks

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