from 01.01.2008 to 01.01.2011
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
UDK 316.624 Девиантное поведение. Социальная патология
UDK 316.472.4 Межличностные отношения. Социальные сети
GRNTI 04.61 Социология личности и поведения
OKSO 39.06.01 Социологические науки
Introduction. At present, the bases of destructive socio-political interaction among the population are being updated and are becoming more diversified. This is due to the spread of new threats of latent nature to social security, which appropriately affects the consciousness and behaviour of people. There is a steady demand for awareness and inclusion in the event agenda to understand their own behaviour in non-standard life situations and strategic planning of socialisation trajectory. In the real sector of interaction, the circle of subjects transmitting significant data is usually limited, while network communities are a special space for communication, functional delegation of certain areas of responsibility, as practically all managerial administrative organisations have official communities, where it is possible to ‘directly’ learn reliable information from top officials and / or appeal to the authorities to solve issues of both personal and socially significant nature However, to understand the specifics of socio-political communication, informal interaction in the communities demanded by the residents of the regions is of particular research interest. The aim of the article is to analyse the bases and components of destructive socio-political interaction of the population in network communities of Siberian regions. Methods. The study was based on the analysis of comments in popular online communities in the Siberian regions of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass and Tomsk Region. A total of 32,226 user comments were analysed. Results. According to the results of the research, the reasons that stimulate online activity of the population of destructive orientation were identified.
socio-political interaction, destructiveness, online communities, activity, aggression
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