from 01.01.2024 to 01.01.2024
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
UDK 316.624 Девиантное поведение. Социальная патология
UDK 159.922.73 Психические особенности детей. Влияние возраста
GRNTI 04.61 Социология личности и поведения
GRNTI 15.31 Психология развития. Возрастная психология. Сравнительная психология
OKSO 37.03.02 Конфликтология
OKSO 39.03.03 Организация работы с молодежью
BBK 605 Социология
TBK 7316 Прикладная социология
BISAC SOC047000 Children's Studies
Introduction. The article discusses the existing and emerging deviations in the adolescent environment directly or indirectly related to schooling. In the course of scientific research, we systematised and analysed the relevant norms of foreign legislation, rule-making initiatives and law enforcement practice in some subjects of the Russian Federation. The author gives thorough analysis of each of these deviations, classifies their determinants, reveals the nature and characteristics of asocial and antisocial behaviour and offers recommendations to curb deviant behaviour of schoolchildren and reduce the consequences of bullying and abuse. The study aims to systematise and analyse scientific approaches of the problems of adolescent aggression and cruelty in a school setting; to implement prevention of school bullying; to bring bullies, their parents and teachers to account for asocial and antisocial behaviour. Methodology, methods and techniques. The methodological basis of the research was philosophical, contemporary general and special methods of scientific knowledge. Their application is based on the system approach, which enabled to study the problems gradually and thoroughly, as well as to develop the author’s recommendations in this area. The results of the research demonstrate the relevance, urgency, significance and applied nature of the research related to the study of the manifestation and prevention of school bullying, the formation of this phenomenon, and the elimination of causes and circumstances that help its development. Scientific novelty is determined by a full and integral analysis of multidisciplinary scientific research of various aspects of adolescent aggression and cruelty in a contemporary society, real and potential threats from school bullying and abuse. Practical significance. The findings may be used in the educational process of higher educational establishments (in the field of law, psychology and pedagogy), in a scientific research while studying the phenomenon and related deviations, as well as in the practical work of school teachers, educators, psychologists and law enforcers to prevent various deviations among adolescents and young people.
educators, adolescent aggression, preventive activity, prevention of deviations, prevention of aberrations, traditional values, physical and mental violence, school bullying
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