Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Recent history has once again shown that it is practically impossible to destroy a state-civilization, which the Russian Federation is, by means of external aggression. In this regard, the efforts of our geopolitical opponents are aimed at destabilizing the situation inside the country, primarily in the area of migration. Methods. The system, schemes and concepts of the author's theory of national security, the theory of management of social systems, inter-industry and inter-scientific connections of natural and humanitarian sciences were used as a methodological basis. Results. For the purposes of systematic use of the term "security", the authors propose to use it exclusively in relation to entities capable of independently satisfying their needs for self-preservation, self-reproduction and self-sustainment. The adjective "national" should be used only in those phrases that refer to the security of the multinational people of the Russian Federation. According to the authors, an indication of the area of security must necessarily be used with the designation of the subject of security, for example, "national security in the field of migration (demography, crime control, etc.)". According to the authors, in order to obtain Russian citizenship, migrants must satisfy the constitutional conditions for the initiation of a citizen in the form of adopting a national worldview, participating in ensuring national security by their own efforts or means, including in the form of providing targeted financial assistance for the needs of the forces and means of national security. It is necessary to continue improving the interaction of state information and analytical support and control systems, which will allow the transfer of information about migrants registered at checkpoints to law enforcement agencies and special services, to whose territory their arrival is "planned". The failure of migrants to arrive at their place of work should be a reason to put them on the wanted list, and signs of behavior indicating their hostile intentions should be the basis for conducting operational activities.

national security in the field of migration, states-civilizations, social systems, information and analytical system, consumer, citizen

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