Neural network classification of training candidates based on their personal and professional qualities: methodology and prospects of application
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The The article deals with the application of artificial intelligence technology to enhance the effectiveness of professional psychological selection within internal affairs bodies. The importance of this study lies in the need to carefully select and train candidates for service in order to form the backbone of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies in the Russian Federation. In order to select the right candidates, it is necessary to enhance the process of differential ability. Additionally, this study highlights the scientific need to improve psychological support for personnel, development of methodology, methods and procedures of psychological diagnostics as a field of scientific knowledge. The research methods are general scientific methods of process information to organise knowledge about professional psychological selection and the application of neural network classification. The empirical methods used are the construction of a decision tree and neural network classification. The research sample comprises candidates for training in the educational organisation of internal affairs bodies. The results of the research can be summarised as follows: a) decision rules (decision tree) for the classification of applicants, revealing the regularities of their distribution into categories of professional suitability based on their personal and professional qualities; b) a neural network model for the differentiation of applicants into categories of professional suitability based on their personal and professional qualities. This model has shown good accuracy in selecting candidates. Theoretical results are findings about the possibility of individualisation of psychological support and improving educational work with students who have been referred to different categories of professional suitability on the basis of individual combinations of personal and professional qualities. Theoretical results also concern the improvement of educational work with students. The potential for enhancing the capacity of psychodiagnostic techniques to differentiate between individuals and the procedure for examining the personal and professional qualities of candidates for service, which reduce the risk of inaccuracies in their measurement, are outlined. The conclusion outlines the theoretical and methodological prospects for applying neural network classification method as a component of artificial intelligence technology in the selection of candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

artificial neural network, police officers, psychological selection, candidate diagnosis, neural network classification, psychological support
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