Introduction. For formulation the method of attack in counteraction to corruption, for forming an non-tolerant attitude to corruption in society, for eliminate conditions for corruption, including an atmosphere in society, and the need to create an anti-corruption standard of conduct, the President of the Russian Federation adopted a number of key decisions, the results of which developed and approved the first National Anti-Corruption Plan, in order to create an anticorruption system was issued a first edict, a law on anti-corruption was adopted , which determined, that the involvement of state and municipal employees, as well as citizens, in more active participation in counteraction to corruption is one of the main activities of state bodies, and one of the measures to prevent corruption is the formation of non-tolerance to corrupt behavior in society. This article is devoted to this social and criminological problem, describes the non-tolerance of corruption crime through the prism of established norms and standards in society, psychological features of the perception of corruption and the forming corresponding behavior, threats to national security, as well as other objective reasons that prevent the forming non-tolerance of corruption. Methods. The research is based on general scientific and private scientific methods of scientific cognition, methods of empirical and theoretical research. Results. As a result of scientific research it was found that the formation of non-tolerance of corruption is a many-sided problem, located at the turn of biological, historical, medical, philosophical, political, psychological, sociological, and legal branches of science and requires a special and, above all, an integrated approach. The results obtained affect each of the branches and allow us to improve the strategy and tactics of anti-corruption.
Anomie, anti-corruption education, corruption, crime, mythologization, nazism (fascism), non-tolerance, prevention, prosecutor's office, counteraction to corruption