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Abstract (English):
On June 7-8, 2024, the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia hosted the annual international scientific and practical conference "Criminal law: yesterday, today, tomorrow", dedicated to topical issues of the state of criminal law, the practice of its application and the science of criminal law at the present stage. The conference was attended by 86 authors from 34 scientific and educational organizations and 5 structural divisions of executive authorities, 25 doctors of sciences, 45 candidates of sciences, 6 employees of practical internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. At the plenary meeting held on June 7, 2024 There was a discussion of issues related to the scope of criminal policy, criminal law counteraction to various types of crimes in the field of computer information, crimes of a terrorist nature, directions for reforming the norms on liability for property crimes, as well as criminal, criminal procedure and other legislation, taking into account the adoption of the Federal Law "On Probation in the Russian Federation", a number of issues were considered of a criminological nature, namely the formation of a new sub-branch - military criminology, as well as approaches to determining the time periods for studying modern crime. During the work of the sections on June 8, 2024, problematic issues of the application of the norms of the General and Special part of criminal law were discussed, in particular, the purposes of punishment, conditions for exemption from criminal liability and punishment, errors in the qualification of guilt in violation of safety rules during construction or other work, problems of criminal liability for desecration of symbols of military glory In Russia, as well as directions for improving criminal legislation and law enforcement practice

criminal law, criminal policy, criminal law, criminal liability, qualification of crimes
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