Ivanov Pyotr

Birth place
d. Chelkasy Cheboksarskogo rayona Chuvashskoy respubliki
Academic degree
doctor of jurisprudence sciences (speciality - VAC 12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-розыскная деятельность) from 1999 until now
Science rang
professor, from 2005 until now
Academic rank
Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation ,
Honored lawyer of the Chuvash Republic ,
Honored Professor of the Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  1. Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation , Research center , chief research officer of the Department for research of industry management problems , 1994 until now Education level: Doctoral studies
  • Journal "Bulletin of Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" ,
Scientific interests
VAC 12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-розыскная деятельность
I was reviewed
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
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