Dozorceva Elena

Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences (speciality - VAC 19.00.06 Юридическая психология)
Science rang
  1. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology , Laboratory of psychology of children and adolescents , Chief Researcher ,
  2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education , Department of Legal Psychology and Law , head of department , legal psychology ,
  • Journal "Applied psychology and pedagogy" ,
  • Journal "Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" ,
Scientific interests
VAC 19.00.06 Юридическая психология
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Scientific interests: deviant behavior of children and adolescents psychological problems of child and adolescent abuse risk assessment of aggressive and deviant behavior in children and adolescents problems of legal psychology of children and adolescents psychological problems of juvenile justice psychological rehabilitation work with adolescents with deviant behavior problems of forensic psychological and complex forensic psychological and psychiatric examination of minors personality anomalies in adolescent offenders
Contribution to science
Elena Georgievna Dozortseva is widely known as an expert in the field of psychology of emergency situations and juvenile justice, the author of manuals. Has publications in leading scientific journals in Russia and foreign collections. Specialist in practical assistance to victims during emergencies. Dozortseva was one of seven members of the initiative group that organized the European Association for Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry, Psychology and Allied Professions (EFCAP) in 1997. As part of her research work, she developed an innovative approach to the problem of deviant behavior in adolescents from the standpoint of cultural-historical psychology and activity theory. In particular, in the article "Abnormal personality development in adolescents with illegal behavior: the methodology of psychological research and practice," suggested considering as the basis of abnormal development - a specific level of regulation of the individual's activity, referring him to the categories of "conventional" or "reflexive" personality. Employees of the Laboratory of Psychology of Children and Adolescents, headed by E. G. Dozortseva, took part in the work on the psychological rehabilitation of children and their families who were injured in the terrorist attack at the Dubrovka theater and in the terrorist attack in Beslan. Dozortseva and her colleagues are actively developing scientific and educational-practical aspects of legal psychology related to minors, conducting scientific and educational work in this area.
Participation in
Dozortseva is a member of the Russian Psychological Society, a member of the editorial board of the online journal "Medical Psychology in Russia", the journal "Psychology and Law", the journal "Psychological Science and Education", is a member of international professional organizations, is a recognized expert in her field and a participant in international projects ... In particular, she represents Russia on the board of the European Association of Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry, Psychology and Allied Professions, is a member of the European Association of Psychology and Law, takes part in the organization of international exchange projects, and a member of the organizing committees of major scientific conferences.

Polnyy spisok vklyuchaet okolo 170 nauchnyh rabot.

  1. Gurina O.D., Dozorceva E.G. Ksenofobiya i molodezhnyy ekstremizm: istoki i vzaimosvyazi [Elektronnyy resurs] // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie 2012. Tom 4. № 2. URL: (data obrascheniya: 06.04.2020)
  2. Oshevskiy D.S., Dozorceva E.G., Badmaeva V.D., Chibisova I.A. Social'nye i psihologicheskie aspekty ugolovnogo yuvenal'nogo pravosudiya v mirovoy praktike (anglosaksonskie modeli yuvenal'noy yusticii) [Elektronnyy resurs] // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie 2013. Tom 5. № 3. URL: (data obrascheniya: 06.04.2020)
  3. Dozorceva E.G. Konferenciya Evropeyskoy associacii psihologii i prava (EAPL) [Elektronnyy resurs] // Psihologiya i pravo. 2013. Tom 3. № 4. URL: (data obrascheniya: 06.04.2020)
  4. Dozorceva E.G., Krasavina A.G. Ocenka dostovernosti svidetel'skih pokazaniy nesovershennoletnih [Elektronnyy resurs] // Sovremennaya zarubezhnaya psihologiya. 2015. Tom 4. № 3. S. 47–56. doi:10.17759/jmfp.2015040306
  5. Smirnova S.A., Makushkin E.V., Asnis A.Ya., Vaske E.V., Dozorceva E.G., Safuanov F.S., Shishkov S.N., Shipshin S.S., Oshevskiy D.S., Berdnikov D.V., Sekerazh T.N., Kalinina A.N. O nepravomernosti opredeleniya dostovernosti pokazaniy putem sudebnoy ekspertizy [Elektronnyy resurs] // Psihologiya i pravo. 2016. Tom 6. № 3. S. 61–78. doi:10.17759/psylaw.2016060306
  6. Syrokvashina K.V., Dozorceva E.G. Psihologicheskie faktory riska suicidal'nogo povedeniya u podrostkov // Konsul'tativnaya psihologiya i psihoterapiya. 2016. Tom 24. № 3. S. 8–24. doi:10.17759/cpp.2016240302
  7. Dozorceva E.G., Krasavina A.G. Pravila provedeniya doprosov nesovershennoletnih, poterpevshih ot prestupleniy: izmeneniya v sledstvennoy praktike // Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psihologiya. 2017. Tom 13. № 3. S. 23–31. doi:10.17759/chp.2017130304
  8. Evaluation of cognitive functions, personality and regulatory sphere in minors with deviant and delinquent behavior within the authority of the psychological, medical and educational committee. Delibalt V.V., Degtyaryov A.V., Dozortseva E.G., Chirkina R.V., Dvoryanchikov N.V., Pimonov V.A., Debolsky M.G., Malkin D.A. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. IJCRSEE, vol. 5, br. 2, str. 107-117, 2017/ DOI:
  9. Oshevskiy D.S., Terehina S.A., Dozorceva E.G., Badmaeva V.D., Chibisova I.A., Syrokvashina K.V. Kliniko-psihologicheskie aspekty ekspertnoy ocenki ugolovno-processual'noy deesposobnosti u nesovershennoletnih obvinyaemyh [Elektronnyy resurs] // Psihologiya i pravo. Tom 8. № 3. S. 226–239. doi:10.17759/psylaw.2018080316
  10. Medvedeva A.S. , Dozorceva E.G. Harakteristiki onlayn gruminga kak vida seksual'noy ekspluatacii nesovershennoletnih (po rezul'tatam analiza perepisok vzroslyh i detey v seti Internet) [Elektronnyy resurs] // Psihologiya i pravo. 2019. Tom 9. № 4. S. 161–173. doi:10.17759/psylaw.2019090412
  11. Syrokvashina K.V., Dozorceva E.G. Antisocial'noe rasstroystvo lichnosti u podrostkov i yunoshey: metodologiya i diagnostika // Konsul'tativnaya psihologiya i psihoterapiya. 2020. Tom 28. № 1. S. 49–62. doi:10.17759/cpp.2020280104
  12. Deviantnoe povedenie i agressiya u devochek-podrostkov // V kn.: Dmitrieva T.B., Immerman K.L., Kachaeva M.A., Romasenko L.V. Kriminal'naya agressiya zhenschin s psihicheskimi rasstroystvami. M.: «Medicina», 2003. S. 44 – 78.
  13. Anomal'noe razvitie lichnosti u podrostkov s protivopravnym povedeniem. M.: GNC SSP im. V.P. Serbskogo, 2004. 352 s.
  14. Kompleksnaya sudebnaya psihologo-psihiatricheskaya ekspertiza nesovershennoletnego obvinyaemogo // Medicinskaya i sudebnaya psihologiya. Kurs lekciy: Uchebnoe posobie / Pod red. T.B. Dmitrievoy, F.S. Safuanova. M.: Genezis, 2005. S. 480 – 506.
  15. Psihologicheskaya travma u podrostkov s problemami v povedenii. Diagnostika i korrekciya. M.: Genezis, 2007. 128 s.
  16. Ot psihologii detstva k yuvenal'noy yuridicheskoy psihologii // Moskovskaya psihologicheskaya shkola: Istoriya i sovremennost': V 4 t. / Pod obsch. red. deystv. chl. RAO, prof. V.V. Rubcova. T.IV. M.: MGPPU, 2007. S. 94 – 100.




Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation


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