Karayani Aleksandr

Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
professor, ,
corresponding member, Russian Academy of Education ,
  1. Military Order of Zhukov Academy of the National Guard of the Russian Federation , department of performance psychology , professor ,
  2. St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation , department of legal psychology and pedagogy , professor ,
  • Journal "Applied psychology and pedagogy" — member of the editorial board, employee
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" — editorial board member, employee
Contribution to science
Avtor svyshe 200 publikaciy po psihologii, pedagogike i voennomu delu. Oblast' nauchnyh interesov: voennaya psihologiya, yuridicheskaya psihologiya, informacionno-psihologicheskoe protivoborstvo, psihologiya obscheniya i peregovorov v ekstremal'nyh usloviyah.
State and public posts and positions
Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii. Chlen Prezidiuma, chlen Ekspertnogo soveta, rukovoditel' sekcii voennoy psihologii Rossiyskogo psihologicheskogo obschestva. Predsedatel' pravleniya otkrytogo obschestvennogo ob'edineniya rossiyskih psihologov «SoDeystvie». Sozdatel' i prezident Mezhregional'noy obschestvennoy organizacii «Obschestvo psihologov silovyh struktur» (2007–2021).
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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