Grigoryev Anatoliy

Academic degree
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Science rang
docent, from 2010 until now
Academic rank
  1. Kaliningrad Branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia , Department of Administrative Legal Disciplines and Information Support of Internal Affairs Bodies , head of department ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" ,
  • Journal "Bulletin of the Kaliningrad branch of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" ,
Contribution to science
Nauchnye interesy rasprostranyayutsya na voprosy formirovaniya informacionnoy kul'tury specialistov v sisteme nepreryvnoy professional'noy podgotovki kadrov MVD Rossii, moral'no-nravstvennogo vospitaniya obuchayuschihsya. Yavlyaetsya avtorov bolee 150 nauchnyh i nauchno-metodicheskih publikaciy.
Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
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