Lelchitsky Igor

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Science rang
academician, Russian Academy of Education
  1. Tver State University , Institute for Pedagogical Education and Social Technologies , Director ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" — editorial board member, employee
Scientific interests
GRNTI 14.35 Высшее профессиональное образование. Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Head of the educational program in the direction of "Social work": master's program "Consulting and coaching in social work" Head of educational program in the direction of "Teacher Education": master's program "Management in Education" Head of the educational program in the direction of "Pedagogical education": master's program "Pedagogical provision of religious safety of youth in a multi-confessional society"
Contribution to science
Scientific interests: methodology of historical and pedagogical research, evolution of the ideal teacher in the history of the development of Russian pedagogical thought. 152 scientific works. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education (2012). Member of the Expert Council on Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher Attestation Commission. Prepared 15 candidates and 2 doctor of science.
Project No. “Research on methodological and institutional aspects of implementing a lifelong learning strategy in the Russian Federation.” Federal target program “Development of Education 2011-2015” (supervisor). Project No. NM3201 “Scientific, methodological, information and organizational support for the formation of a regional program for the development of continuous professional education in accordance with international experience.” State assignment regarding research work commissioned by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. 2014 (supervisor). RFBR: project No. 15-06-10211 “Innovative strategies for professional education in the context of multi-level teacher education.” 2015-2017 (executor). Project No. 2.140.2016/NM “Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of a pilot project to introduce a credit system for the formation of non-linear educational trajectories and recognition of learning results” 2016. (supervisor). State assignment regarding research work commissioned by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Project No. 27.171.2016/NM “Development of a model for the implementation of a general education program in a university setting with the aim of effectively using the scientific potential, human and material and technical resources of the higher education system to improve the quality of general education.” State assignment regarding research work commissioned by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. 2016 (executor). RFBR: project No. 17-06-00525 Sociocultural practices of local communities in the educational space of a small town. 2017-2019 (supervisor). International project of the Erasmus+ program “Piloting Ecvet to the national system of Russia and Uzbekistan” (2017-2019). International project of the Erasmus+ program “Advanced training of teachers of vocational education and training according to European practices” (EACEA project number 598698-EPP-1-2018-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) (2019-2020). RFBR: project No. 20-013-00150F “Theoretical and methodological justification and technology for the development of digital educational content in an educational organization.” 2020-2022 (supervisor).


Kul'turno-antropologicheskaya ideya professional'no-lichnostnogo stanovleniya prepodavatelya v klassicheskom universitete: Monografiya. – Tver', Tver. gos. un-t, 2010. – 180s. (Ershov V.A., Scherbakova S.Yu.)

Kompetentnostno-pedagogicheskaya ideya podgotovki ekspertov dlya sfery obrazovaniya: Monografiya. – Tver': Tver'. gos. un-t, 2014. – 200s. (Ershov V.A., Scherbakova S.Yu.)

Formirovanie regional'noy programmy razvitiya nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya: nauchno-metodicheskoe informacionnoe i organizacionnoe obespechenie (na primere Tverskoy oblasti): Monografiya. – Tver': Tver'.gos.un-t, 2015. – 200s., 10,5 p.l. (Golubeva T.A., Ershov V.A., Scherbakova S.Yu.)

Social'nyy rabotnik kak lichnost' i professional: kompetentnostnaya versiya: / O.N. Borisova, S.N .Dobrosmyslova, V.A. Ershov, L.Zh. Karavanova, I.D. Lel'chickiy, M.V. Moroz, R.E. Spiridonov: monografiya / Pod obsch. red. I.D. Lel'chickogo. – Tver': Tver'. gos. un-t, 2015. – 166s.

Cifrovaya transformaciya obrazovaniya: didakticheskiy instrumentariy i obrazovatel'nyy kontent. Monografiya. Tver', Tverskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet, 2022. 87s. (V soavt. Belocerkovskiy A.V., Baranova N.A., Sil'chenko A.P., Scherbakova S.Yu.).

Uchebnye posobiya

Social'naya pedagogika. Uchebnoe posobie. M., Izd-vo KnoRus, 2020. 333s.  (V soavt.: Firsov M.V.)

Tver, Tver, Russian Federation


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