Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with a study of the Institute of covert investigative actions, which effectively operates in the legal systems of a number of CIS member States. The author has conducted a comparative legal analysis of the covert investigative actions introduced in the code of Criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with operative investigative measures requiring its assessment. In this regard, the author highlights the essence, values, main identical and distinctive features of covert investigative actions and operative investigative measures, identifies problems of their practical application and offers the author’s opinion on the solution. Methods: The study is based on the fundamental dialectical methods, in particular, on the method of system analysis, as well as on the use of special legal methods, such as formal legal and comparative legal ones. Results: on the basis of a consistent comparison of the regulatory material and existing achievements in law enforcement, the most significant aspects that determine the place of the main tool of the operative-search activity – operative-search measures within and outside the criminal process are identified. It is stated that a reliable platform for a legal involvement and a wide use of forms and methods of operative investigative activity in the process of proving in criminal cases has been created and successfully applied in the criminal process of Kazakhstan.

operative-search activity, covert search operations, covert investigations, operational purchasing
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