Kaliningrad, Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.79 Уголовно-процессуальное право (уголовный процесс)
The article examines the procedural interest as a legal category inherent in the subjects of material and legal relations due to the emergence of criminal-law relations, which, as a carrier of material and legal interests, are aimed at achieving the desired result. The author suggests that the implementation of the legal institution of a plea bargaining forms new substantive relations, entailing the transformation of the substantive law, the procedural interest of the person conclude plea bargaining which forms the basis of the person’s procedural situation. At the same time, the proper legal regulation of a person with whom a plea bargaining was concluded based on the legal nature and purpose of the institution of a plea bargaining is due to ensuring the implementation of the interests of the partners. However, the existing contradiction in the legal regulation of a person with whom a plea bargaining is concluded is not fully ensure the realization of the interests of his accomplices. The subject of the study is the influence of legal relations arising within the framework of a plea bargaining on the procedural position of the person with whom it is concluded the suspect (accused) and his accomplice. The aim of the study is to provide a scientific analysis the legal category of the procedural interest of a person with whom a plea bargaining has been concluded, in aggregate in the formation of the author’s concept of legal regulation of a person with whom a plea bargaining is concluded. Research methods - system analysis, structural, logical, comparative. The results achieved are in the analysis of the legal category of procedural interest, which is inherent in a participant in criminal proceedings. It is stated that the introduction into domestic legal proceedings made it possible to distinguish a new type - a special procedural interest, inherent in a person with whom a plea bargaining was concluded. The idea of the need for a mechanism to ensure the interests of an accomplice of a crime, warning the person with whom a plea bargaining is concluded from responsibility for knowingly giving false testimony is considered.
procedural interest, a plea bargaining, a person with whom a plea bargaining is concluded, substantive interest, conflict of procedural interests
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