Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of the rule-making process in the executive authorities of Russia on the one hand, and the theoretical foundations of the administrative process on the other. The authors analyse the main stages of the rule-making process that affects the process of forming material and procedural norms of law. The material and procedural norms of law at different levels of development are evaluated. The main stages of the rule-making process are discussed. The authors examine the significance of the rulemaking process in the executive authorities, the correlation of the rule-making process with the process in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors define the classification of the stages of the rule-making process: the need for the issuance of a draft legal act of executive authorities; preparation and development of the text of the draft; discussion of the draft legal act by interested persons; amendments and additions to the draft legal act; making a decision on the draft legal act; independent examination of the corruption of the project; publication of the draft legal act; coming into force of the legal act. General characteristics are made. The question is raised about possible ways to improve the stages of the rule-making process. The article deals with the theoretical basis of the rule-making process, the stages of the rule-making process of executive authorities. The author conclude that the rule-making process has been formed as an independent institution of the administrative process. The disclosure of the issues of the rule-making process will allow to diagnose the direction under consideration, give the opportunity to study the «rulemaking process in executive authorities» and «stages of the rule-making process» on the basis of the modern administrative process. At the same time, the process of creating regulatory legal acts is taken into account. In recent years, there has been interest in the rule-making process during the creation of regulatory legal acts.

process, rule-making process, stages of the rule-making process, subjects, structure
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