Pedagogical appreciation of juvenile aggressiveness: socio-perceptive aspects and readiness of interference
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The topicality of the research is caused by both traditions of the scientific research of pedagogical social perception and extremely high degree of attention on the side of political, professional and expert community to the problem of education. The pedagogical study of aggression plays an important role in understanding of the strategy for developing programs of improving professional competence of pedagogues and specialists in the sphere of prevention of juvenile delinquent behavior. Aim. Some research problems were examined in order to find the answers to the following problems: the facts that prove aggressive juvenile delinquent behavior, the reasons of juvenile behavior, the reaction of pedagogues on conflict situations and their emotions when they confront situations of aggressive behavior. Methodology and methods. In the process of research different methods were used such as psychological tests, different types of questionnaires and others. More than 13000 of pedagogues from six federal districts participated in the project “Pedagogue as a subject of upbringing of the youth and prevention of delinquent behavior”. The results. Data are given about the fact that pedagogues consider depressed state and aggressive behavior of the child to be the testimony of aggressive behavior of adults towards the child. Boys are more inclined to be aggressive, while the girls try not to show obviously their aggressive behavior. Children from troubled and incomplete families are more aggressive. Attention is drawn to the fact that the main risks of aggressive behavior of juveniles are in the families where the parents are indifferent to the child, do not pay attention to him or her or their requirements are contradictory. The research showed that pedagogues feel trouble, anxiety and fear when they come across conflict situations between the pupils. Practical significance. The results of the research are very important both in the context of improving the programs for pedagogues and psychologists in the sphere of juvenile deviant and antisocial behavior prevention and in the context of educational and youth policy and its tasks.

teacher, adolescent aggressiveness, social perception, intervention
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