Psychological Mechanisms of Formation and Prevention of Individual Psychological Maladjustment of the Personali
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Abstract (English):
Relevance. Maladaptive personality behavior is one of the research subjects of deviant behavior, and from the point of view of the social-normative criterion contradicts the tasks of harmonious adaptation of a person. This makes it difficult to perform professional functions, causes industrial conflicts, disorganization of all kinds of activity and crises being an urgent problem of a psychological, social and personal nature. The study of individual psychological mechanisms and criteria for disadaptation makes it possible to determine the psychological mechanisms of its formation and to prevent the negative consequences of maladjustment using a multilevel integral analysis of its different variations. Objectives. The aim of the article is to establish the actual characteristics of individual psychological maladjustment and to determine the mechanisms of its formation as a condition for prevention. Research progress. The research specifies the current risks of personality maladjustment associated with the factors of the virtual space, isolation of the individual from the conditions of real interaction, the duration of the pandemic. The analysis of the factors determining individual psychological maladjustment, the stability of the genesis of which is noted in the overwhelming majority of studies is carried out. The study clarifies the concept of the psychological mechanism of the formation of deviant behavior in general and maladjustment in various specific spheres of human activity. Conclusions. The formation of individual psychological maladjustment of the personality is subject to the action of multilevel universal mechanisms, which are practically not discussed in current empirical works. Further studies will be needed to examine private and general mechanisms of behavior deviating from the norm as well as its consequence, that is the formation of maladaptive individual psychological characteristics. The system of multilevel integral connections being activated in accordance with the principles of consistency, stability and differentiation, acts as a mechanism of individual psychological maladjustment. To carry out the tasks of preventing individual psychological maladjustment, it is necessary to study the methodology of analyzing causal and teleological relations.

deviant behavior, maladjustment, maladjustment prevention, psychological maladjustment mechanisms, individual psychological maladjustment, multilevel analysis, integral individuality
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