Metaphorical method in training work with subjects of prevention of youth deviations
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses problem of coordination of subjects of preventive work with minors. The analysis shows the inefficiency of the subjects of prevention of delinquency among adolescents, including the low activity of the subjects themselves, the lack of real mechanisms of interaction, the lack of strategies to respond to actions of destructive groups on young people. The solution of the problem is seen in the development of practices of group interaction of subjects of prevention, allowing to form a complete and consistent image of the teenager in a difficult life situation. The absence of methods providing the decision of this problem became a starting point for carrying out research. The theory of conceptual metaphor became the methodological basis of the study. The empirical research is carried out by a method of group training. The technique of gathering of representations of subjects of prevention about deviant teenagers is used. Sample of this research included 70 employees of state and public organizations. Metaphorical models formed by the participants of the training in the process of making «maps of the world of deviant adolescents» were the empirical material. The result of the research was the testing of the method of constructing a metaphorical model. The possibilities and limitations of its use for identifying the causes and conditions of deviant behavior of adolescents were determined. The prospects of the research are further development of methods of coordination of interdepartmental interaction of subjects of prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents.

prevention of deviations, teenage deviancy, interaction of subjects of prevention, group training, perception of deviations
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