Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with social and personal aspects of the impact of criminal punishment on the interaction of criminals with the social environment. It is shown that social interaction is an important factor in the formation of criminal orientation and a key condition for resocialization of criminals. It is noted that criminal orientation is formed and manifests itself in social interaction. Key importance for its strengthening and weakening has the nearest social environment, including family members, relatives and friends. It is stated that criminal punishment has an impact on social and personal aspects of social interaction of persons brought to criminal responsibility. Social consequences are determined by the attitude of society to the crime and the offender. Social perceptions establish attitudes, stereotypes and attitudes in the interaction with criminals. At the same time, social perceptions are contradictory, because they belong to different social strata, communities and social groups of society. The personal consequences of the impact of criminal punishment on the interaction with the social environment include changes in self-concept and self-esteem, as well as the state of the needs-motivational sphere. Their psychological consequences are characterized. The conclusion is made that the self-perception and self-esteem of criminals has formation defects that affect the perception of the social attitude to the crime, hindering the experience of guilt for its commission. It is shown that criminal prosecution strengthens the contradictions in the self-perception and regulation of the needs-motivational spheres of personality. The specificity of self-attitude is caused by the contradiction between the maintenance of positive selfimage (positive «I-image» and high self-esteem) and avoidance of taking responsibility for the committed crime in combination with negative social ideas about the crime and the offender. The conclusion is made about the prospects of research of social interaction of persons who have been subjected to criminal prosecution as a resource of prevention of their re-criminalization.

psychology of the criminal, social space, social interaction, crime prevention, social relations
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