Formation of employees’ devotion, loyalty and trust in the system of psychological prevention of staff turnover in educational organizations of the MIA of Russia
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Abstract (English):
In modern conditions, one of the key tasks of personnel management is the formation of a stable able-bodied team of the organization, ensuring its sustainable functioning and development. The purpose of the study: to determine the features of the formation of devotion, loyalty and trust in the organization among employees in the system of psychological prevention of staff turnover in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Object of study: the system of psychological prevention of staff turnover in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Subject of study: the process of formation of devotion, loyalty and trust of the organization among employees in the system of psychological prevention of staff turnover of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Methodology and theory of research. Foreign (Rusbalt [36], Farrell [25]) and domestic scientists (M. I. Magura [9], V. I. Dominyak, A. N. Pastushenya [14]) emphasize that staff turnover among newly hired employees, which should include students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, can be caused by a low degree of professional devotion, which, according to M. Meskon, ensures that the subject of professional activity resists the impact of negative professional factors. This article presents an analysis of the three leading characteristics of an employee that ensure his professional constancy in the organization: «devotion», «loyalty», «trust in the organization» in behavioral, attitudinal, normative, positive and affective approaches. The classification of factors that determine the formation of professional loyalty of employees is highlighted. It has been proved that the formation of professional devotion, loyalty and trust of the organization among employees should be the core of the program of psychological prevention of employee turnover in an educational organization.

staff turnover, educational organizations of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Russia, professional devotion, loyalty, trust of the organization, psychological prevention of staff turnover
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