Moscow, Russian Federation
The work discusses the psychological and pedagogical determinants of the prevention of deviant behavior of minors as a measure to control the offenses, and, in turn, to decrease the level of juvenile delinquency. Moreover, the essential «ideal» moment is a message aimed not so much to prevent the deviant behavior, as to change, to «reset» the consciousness, worldview, motives of a teenager, and to form a healthy fully equipped member of society. The author completed a theoretical analysis of the results of a deep and comprehensive study of deviant behavior of children, adolescents, and youth, and made conclusions about the need for timely prevention of deviant behavior of minors. The specifics and essence of preventive work, its functions, problems, principles, and main directions have been also considered and analyzed. The author rightly noted that to solve the tasks set, it is necessary to work, first, with parents (legal guardians), since their influence on the child can play a key role in preventing the development of deviations. In this regard, the author analyzed the results of an experimental study on the formation of positive child-parent relationships as a condition for the prevention of deviant behavior. Possible optimal ways of preventing deviant behavior of children, adolescents and youth, dissemination and implementation of effective practices and positive experience in this direction are proposed.
prevention, deviant behavior, minor, age characteristics, legal awareness, educational work, child-parent relations, responsibility, psychological and pedagogical determinant, pedagogical interaction
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