from 01.01.1994 until now
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article analyses the practice of giving training sessions of future teachers on the basis of digital technologies, the importance and effectiveness of which have increased significantly in the period of digitalisation of society. The main purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of training students in higher education programmes for teaching activities on the basis of the potential of their self-independent work. The authors justify the need to use digital technologies in the educational process, contributing to a deeper immersion of post-graduates in the features of teaching activities using the creative potential of students, an independent active search. The article analyses various types of digital technologies, including students’ self-independent work with interactive learning material, written assignments aimed at developing practical skills. Methods. A special emphasis in the article is made on the use of simulators for acquiring skills in conducting various types of classes. In analysing the existing practice of conducting training sessions with postgraduates, theoretical (analysis of pedagogical literature, comparative analysis) and empirical (conversations, observations, evaluation and self-assessment of post-graduates and teachers) methods were used. Conclusion. The conclusion states that in the context of digitalisation of society, quality training of future teachers will require revision of available technologies, types of training sessions organisation based on active involvement of post-graduates in the process of organisation and conducting training sessions with the use of digital technologies.
post-graduates, educational process, digital technologies, digital transformation of education, e-learning complex, e-course, self-independent work
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