Emotional intelligence, success and psychological adaptability to the environment as factors in ensuring the effectiveness of social management
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Abstract (English):
Abstract: The problems of emotional intelligence (emotional quotient, EQ), success and psychological adaptability to the environment in the complex and systemic integrity are important factors in ensuring the effectiveness of social administration. The modern form of social administration involves the factors of emotional leadership and emotion management, including the ability to connect with people, inspire and encourage them, keep them highly motivated and achieve the development and prosperity of the social organisation as a whole. The concept of «emotional intelligence» is closely related to the categories of «social success» and «psychological adaptability to the environment». The latter two factors should be interpreted as a consequence of sufficient development of emotional intelligence of a fully developed person. People due to objective reasons have different levels of EQ. Following this, they are differentiated as either socially successful or not socially successful, adaptive or not susceptible to the mechanisms of psychological adaptation to the environment. This differentiation is partly a genetic predisposition of a person to manifest organisational abilities and leadership qualities, but no less important are the purposeful and organised efforts of people to learn, develop and self-improve their emotional and intellectual qualities. In social management it is of particular importance, because it significantly affects the effectiveness of interaction between objects and subjects of administration, thus creating a favourable emotional climate in the team or, on the contrary, contributing to the rise of negative, pessimistic and emotionally unstable moods in the managed community. Research methods. When studying the problems of emotional intelligence, success and psychological adaptability to the environment, the author used a wide range of methods of cognition, which are developed and tested by modern socio-psychological science. Among them there are analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, observation, survey, method of analysing documents and results of social activity. Results. As a result, the author proposes a number of theoretical and methodological constructs and practical guidelines for social managers, which enable them to take into account the emotional content of administratively significant information, to maintain a proper sensual atmosphere of communication, to minimise socio-psychological conflictogens and to suppress unconstructive interaction between people.

emotional intelligence, psychological adaptation, social management, psychological adaptability to the environment, social success, psychological conflictogens, effectiveness of social management
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