Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 159.9.07 Психологические исследования
GRNTI 15.81 Прикладная психология
OKSO 37.05.02 Психология служебной деятельности
BBK 88 Психология
Abstract: Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of communicative qualities of personality of students studying various specialisations in educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The peculiarities of professional communication of internal affairs officers are analysed. The purpose of the study is to identify the communicative qualities of personality of students of different specialisations. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the formation of the necessary professionally significant communicative qualities occurs at the initial stage of professional genesis. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of developing professionally significant psychological qualities of employees performing a particular type of activity in the system of internal affairs bodies. The study sample consisted of students of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Research methods. Diagnostic technique of the level of empathic abilities (V. V. Boyko), Diagnostics of communicative social competence (CSC), Diagnostics of communicative tolerance (V. V. Boyko), emotional intelligence test by D. V. Lucin (EmIn). Results. The communicative qualities of personality studying at the 2nd year of study (1st semester of the 2nd year of study) at different specialisations were revealed. According to the obtained results, it is possible to conclude about the prevalence of communicative qualities of personality significant for a particular type of law enforcement activity already at the initial stage of professionalisation. Trainees in specialisations, which are characterised by interaction not only with fellow officers, but also with various categories of citizens, have a higher level of emotional stability, communicative tolerance and emotional intelligence. This is manifested in understanding and managing their own and others’ emotions. At the same time, a characteristic feature of students’ personality is a higher orientation to the opinion of surrounding people.
professional communication, communicative qualities, competence, communicative tolerance, empathy, emotional intelligence, personality, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, specialisation
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