Study of risk factors for deviant behaviour as part of the professional psychological selection of candidates for service (training) in educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the study of risk factors of deviant (socially dangerous) behavior when conducting professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies. The main scientific methods in the research include a special psychophysiological study with a polygraph, an interview, statistical data analysis, analysis of academic sources and normative legal acts. Scientific materials contain theoretical analysis of problems arising at different stages of professional psychological selection (screening) and empirical data of revealed risk factors of deviant behavior of candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies. The author analysed the results of professional psychological screening of candidates for service (training) in the educational organisation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 2018 to 2022, offered recommendations to improve the efficiency of identifying risk factors of deviant behavior within the framework of professional psychological screening of candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies, including expanding the use of medical (narcological and psychiatric) methods of objective assessment of revealing risk factors of deviant behavior, and improving the criteria for risk factors.

deviant behavior, risk factors for deviant behavior, professional psychological selection, screening, polygraph, special psychophysiological tests, candidate for internal affairs service, educational organisation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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