Development and experimental use of psychological training programme to prevent professional burnout of psychologists of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
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Abstract (English):
Abstract: Introduction. The article describes the main aspects of the psychological training programme aimed at preventing professional burnout of police psychologists in terms of dissertation research and the data revealed during the experimental use of this training. Research methods. The methods used are: synthesis of the results of the dissertation research devoted to peculiarities of professional burnout of police psychologists; psychological experiment; participant observation and psychological analysis of participants’ actions during training; testing; comparative analysis using Mann-Whitney U-criterion and paired Wilcoxon T-criterion. Processing was done with the use of StatSoftStatistica 8 MR-3 statistical package. Results. The research revealed that the implementation of psychological training in the experimental group of police psychologists, conducted from October to November 2022, facilitated the following: 1) a decrease of aggression, anxiety and rigidity; emotion-oriented coping and avoidance; reactive formation as a psychological defence mechanism; 2) an increase of nervous-psychic stability, reflexion; task-oriented coping, projection and substitution as psychological defence mechanisms; career orientation for the development of professional abilities, commitment to the goals and values of the unit during a long period of time, a balanced combination of professional activities and personal life; 3) an increase of the effectiveness of psychological work.

police psychologists, polysubjective personality, professional burnout, prevention of professional burnout, psychological training, professional and personal development
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