Key areas of development of security police in the book “Police Law” by I. E. Andreevsky
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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article examines the principal areas of security police development in the work of Russian professor I. E. Andreevsky “Police Law”. The authors study the types of dangers emerging in the country and the measures aimed at their prevention. In particular, insecurity, the occurrence of which directly depends on the human will, as well as what is independent of the human will. The purpose of the article is to identify the main group of insecurity arising in the system of public administration and social development, highlighted in I.E. Andreevsky’s book “Police Law”. Methods: the study is based on “Police Law” and a number of additional works of I.E. Andreevsky, which allowed to provide a sufficient analysis of theoretical aspects of the security police development. Methodologically, the research is based on a tradition of complex and systematic approaches to the analysis of historical sources. The research methods include a variety of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, systematisation) and particular scientific (comparative-legal, comparative-historical, and axiological) methods of scientific cognition. The results of the study reveal the main areas of the security police development, highlighted by I. E. Andreevsky, and characterise the features of the preventive measures aimed at eliminating different dangers that impede the effective state and social development. Conclusion: the system of preventive measures to reduce dangers designed by I. E. Andreevsky launched the scientific justification of the principles of law enforcement system humanisation in Russia.

I. E. Andreevsky, “Police Law”, Russian policing, security police, police function of the state
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