Russian Federation
UDK 343.14 Доказательства и их представление в уголовном судопроизводстве
Introduction. The article analyses the current state and transformation of the mechanism of theft of mobile communication devices. The main ways of committing thefts are studied, as well as the techniques and methods used in this process. The relevance of the research is determined both by the high number of committed thefts of mobile communication devices and by certain aspects of legal regulation of the documentation process in their investigation. Methods. In the research various methods were used, including the universal scientific method of historical materialism; general scientific methods of cognition (comparison, ascent from abstract to concrete, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalisation, classification, abstraction), private scientific methods (formal-legal, comparative-legal, method of interpretation of legal norms, dogmatic), interdisciplinary method of formalisation. Results. The author analysed the most typical investigative situations in the investigation of mobile communication devices thefts and concluded that the process of documenting such crimes is related to their investigation being aimed at collecting, recording and analysing evidence related to the crime in order to identify the responsible parties and ensure the identification of the perpetrators of mobile communication device thefts. Certain difficulties are associated with the fact that documenting the theft of mobile communication devices is a complex integrated multi-stage task that requires careful attention and co-operation between all participants in the criminal justice process involved in the investigation of a particular criminal case.
mobile communication devices, theft, typical investigative situations, mobile phones, documenting thefts, law enforcement agencies, procedural documents, head of investigative body
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