The right for defense to protect property rights and personal non-property rights: real or illusive
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. By virtue of the provisions of Article 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed the right to defend personal rights and freedoms in all ways not prohibited by law. This fundamental constitutional principle is reflected in Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which enshrines the right of any person to the necessary defence, that is, to harm (up to deprivation of life) an encroaching person while suppressing socially dangerous encroachments protecting oneself or other persons, the legally protected interests of society or the state. For a long time, the issue of the possibility of protecting property rights, including housing, within the framework of necessary defense remained debatable. Finally, in May 2022, amendments were made to the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 09/27/2012 Nº 19, enshrining the right for necessary defense in the event of expected changes that will empower citizens to serve as a basis for their revision. In this regard, it should be recognised as relevant to consider the issue of determining the limits of lawful infliction of harm in the suppression of encroachments related to illegal penetration of housing. Within the framework of this work, the authors also consider the issue of determining the limits of lawful infliction of harm in defence against encroachments on personal non-property rights, both associated and not associated with the use or threat of use of violence dangerous to the life of the defender. Research methods: theoretical, comparativelegal, method of formal logics, method of interpretation of legal norms. Due to the results of the research, the authors give a list of situations which were not taken into account by the judicial community including the right to defend the house, which should serve as a basis for legal review of the case. In addition, the authors point to the need to optimize Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2012 No. 19 in terms of expanding the right for necessary defense due to the possibility of suppressing administrative offenses within its framework and bringing it into line with Article 37 of the Criminal Code, as well as other circumstances excluding criminality acts, «special legislation» defining the procedure and grounds for the use of force and weapons by law enforcement officers.

necessary defence, exceeding the limits of necessary defence, attack, encroachment, violence, home defence
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