Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
UDK 342.9 Административное право
Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of studying and evaluating management activities in internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation as a basis for developing optimal ways to increase the effectiveness of the Russian Federation internal affairs system as a whole. The purpose of the study. To justify the relevance of increasing efficiency and objectivity of methods of studying and evaluating management activities in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Methods. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical approach to scientific knowledge of social relations, which arise in the implementation of management activities in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the identified factors and synthesis of the results obtained in the course of the study allowed to draw conclusions on the need to use both formalised indicators and the method of expert evaluation. Special research methods such as the study of normative legal acts and documents, empirical method, method of data processing and analysis were also applied. Results. The problem of the relation of managerial activities to the assessment of its effectiveness is defined as the most significant one. The main factors (external and internal) influencing management processes and achievement of the goals setwere identified. The main concepts and terms used in departmental methods of studying and assessment of management activities in a territorial body of the Ministry of Interior of Russia were highlighted. The meaning of such terms as “rate”, “indicator”, “criterion”, “evaluation” in relation to the subject of the study is revealed. The administrative and legal aspects of studying and evaluating the management activities of the inspected body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the framework of departmental control are defined. The procedure of carrying out verification and issuing an assessment on the basis of the current regulations, including the example of the evaluation of the direction “Management activities of local authorities in the field of information provision”, is described. The most typical deficiencies and mistakes in management activities, revealed in the course of departmental control, are outlined. Their direct correlation with the efficiency of fulfillment of tasks assigned to the units is defined. Emphasis is placed on the need for continuous monitoring of the relevance and effectiveness of the assessment tools, timely implementation of necessary adjustments to the current departmental legislation, development of innovative methods of studying and evaluating management activities, including those on the basis of modern information technologies and digitalisation trends.
management activities, rates, indicators, criteria, assessment of management efficiency, departmental control, internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, digitalisation, modern information technologies
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