Problems of prevention of drug trafficking crimes committed using information and telecommunication networks
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article reveals the importance of preventive effect as an element of counteraction to crimes in the field of drug trafficking organised with the use of information and telecommunication networks, primarily the Internet. The author attempts to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of criminal groups specialising in drug trafficking using the Internet, not only in the legal but also in the socio-economic context. The material presented in this article identifies certain points of preventive influence on such criminal groups and on the system of drug distribution through the Internet as a whole. Purpose. Identification of problems and directions for increasing the effectiveness of prevention of crimes in the field of illegal drug trafficking committed through the use of information and telecommunication networks (primarily the Internet), to search for ways of solving such problems. Methodology. The work used a systemic approach to differentiate drug trafficking offences using the Internet; a structural approach to identify the peculiarities of the operation of criminal groups specialising in drug trafficking; and a functional approach within the framework of streamlining the powers of public authorities and public representatives. Results. On the basis of the study of the characteristics and mechanism of crimes in the field of illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the author defines the main directions of preventive action, the subjects of such action, as well as its goal – to reduce the demand for drugs distributed via the Internet and to create organisational difficulties and costs for the drug business. In addition, the author formulates a number of proposals of an organisational and legal nature aimed at improving the quality of interaction between law enforcement bodies and public law enforcement structures in the field of prevention of illegal drug trafficking, as well as at increasing the effectiveness of such prevention in general.

illegal trafficking, drugs, crime prevention, internet, monitoring, illegal drug advertising, drug propaganda
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