Practice as the most important component of the professional training of future juvenile inspectors at the stage of higher education
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Actual socio-political and socio-economic processes taking place today in the social sphere create quite certain prerequisites for committing various kinds of offences by minors. Frequently it is connected with insufficient understanding by specialists of the social sphere, in particular, employees of internal affairs bodies, of real social, psychological, pedagogical, spiritual, moral and other challenges faced by juveniles. Specialists state that such problems prompt minors to adopt asocial and antisocial patterns of behaviour and then implement those patterns in their activities. At the same time, it is obvious that the lack of attention of specialists to the problems of minors is due to the insufficient level of professional practice-oriented training of future specialists of the social sphere at the stage of their professional education. The purpose of the research is to describe the successful experience of professional training of future juvenile inspectors in the form of practice, which, on the one hand, is focused on the acquisition and consolidation of professional competencies of a juvenile inspector, and on the other hand, is a valid way of specific work on the prevention of deviant behaviour of minors. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical methods (interdisciplinary analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis of literary and Internet sources, documents, official websites of educational organisations) and empirical ones (substantive study of the experience of practice organisation in higher education institutions, observation included in the process of practice implementation, expert evaluation, interview). The results of the research formed the basis of a methodologically substantiated concept of practice developed, tested and implemented in the educational process of Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Y. Kikoty. The proposed concept of practice, which is still being implemented in the educational process of higher school, has shown its effectiveness and can be applied in other departmental educational organisations of higher education, taking into account the specifics of professional training of police officers. Expanding the subject field of social and humanitarian knowledge, the materials presented in this article can serve as a stimulus to further scientific understanding of the problems of professional training and professional socialisation of future specialists in the social sciences.

professional training, social sphere, practice, practical training organisation, prevention of deviant behaviour, juvenile, juvenile affairs department
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