What to teach divisional police officers responsible for administrative supervision?
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. In the Russian Federation, recidivism is a serious problem, especially due to the fact that more than half of all crimes are committed by repeat offenders, including persons under administrative supervision. The analysis of legislation and practice of preventive impact identified the problems of adaptation of supervised persons and shortcomings in the activities of the subjects of the system of prevention of recidivist crime – divisional police officers. The article deals with one of the possible solutions of the problem – improving the training of divisional police officers for individual preventive work with supervised persons. The purpose of the research is to determine the content of individual preventive work of divisional police officers with persons under administrative supervision. Research methods and techniques: the methodology of pedagogical science is used to study the perceptions of specialists and trainees on the nature of individual prevention work, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for its implementation. A questionnaire and analysis of the obtained data were used as research methods. The experts were asked to answer questions regarding their experience and approaches to individual preventive work with persons under administrative supervision. The obtained data were analysed statistically in order to identify general tendencies and peculiarities. The sample: 10 experts – current employees of internal affairs bodies, occupying the posts of divisional police officers and serving in 5 regions of the Russian Federation; 88 cadets of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The empirical research is aimed at determining the content of individual preventive work of divisional police officers with persons under administrative supervision by interviewing experts – current employees of internal affairs bodies, occupying the posts of divisional police officers and serving in 5 regions of the Russian Federation. Results of the research. The analysis of the research results demonstrates that in order to increase the effectiveness of individual preventive work it is necessary to improve the content of training of divisional police officers. The police officer should understand the social and psychological patterns of criminalisation of supervised persons, be able to assess the risk factors of recidivism and build a system of educational measures. This aspect of the work of future divisional police officers is not sufficiently represented in the content of professional training in institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

professional training, individual preventive work, additional professional education, administrative supervision, competence
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