Russian Federation
Introduction: There are many risks in the environmental sphere. Questions about the relationship between the concepts of “environmental risk” and “criminal risk”, the peculiarities of the manifestation of these risks in the environmental sphere and the possibilities of managing them require separate study. The author sets the following objectives in the study: consider the concept of “risk”; analyze the most common risk classifications and justify the one most relevant to this study; study the concepts of “criminal risk” and “environmental risk”, identify their relationship; consider the features of criminal and environmental risk management. Methods: The study used general and specific methods: system-structural, formal-logical, comparative legal. Results: The study of the characteristics of criminal and environmental risks should be based on a unified conceptual framework. There are two main approaches to understanding risk – realistic and sociocultural. A realistic approach that allows risks to be normalized seems to be the most promising for practice-oriented research. The sociocultural approach is valuable from the point of view of forming systemic ideas about the concept of risk, which makes it possible to study the nature of this phenomenon and the social processes associated with it. Criminal and environmental risks should be identified in accordance with the classification, which is based on the area of manifestation of the risk. Criminal and environmental risks should be understood as the probability of events that may result in harm of varying scale and severity to legally protected interests and values, criminological and environmental safety.
risk, criminal risk, environmental risk, risk assessment; risk management; criminological security; environmental safety
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