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A word in legal practice is never an "empty word". Real people, their well-being, and sometimes their lives are always behind any legal designations. Language, which acts as a fundamental tool of human communication, has historically contributed to the development of society. The protocol language of investigative actions is also an important means of transmitting objective information while maintaining emotional neutrality. The exclusion of subjective assessments is fundamental to ensuring the fairness and impartiality of criminal proceedings. It is noteworthy that there is no such thing as a "protocol language" or "protocol language", but this circumstance does not negate its existence, and the requirements for the registration of protocols, in particular investigative actions, confirm the need for in-depth study of this means of communication.Methods: For a comprehensive consideration of this problem, various classical dialectical and general scientific methods of cognition have traditionally been used: comparative law, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systemic interpretation. Results: The modern stage, characterized by the development of digital technologies, imposes new requirements on the structure and function of language in investigative practice. In order to meet the modern challenges posed by technological progress, increased attention should be paid to the issues of clarity, accuracy and objectivity of the protocol language. Systematic study and implementation of standards of linguistic culture in the criminal procedure sphere can significantly increase the effectiveness of law enforcement institutions, create and maintain a positive image of law enforcement agencies.Mastering linguistic nuances and their implications in the legal field should become an integral part of the training of legal personnel, including investigators, prosecutors and judges.
protocol, legal discourse, language, word, accuracy, unambiguity, emotional neutrality, written speech, literacy, language culture, investigative actions, indicator, professionalism.
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